Postpartum Meal Delivery

The postpartum body needs warm, fresh, easy to digest, flavorful meals to recover after labor and delivery. Starting with the first meal.

When your labor begins, I start preparing the first meal you will have after giving birth. This meal is so important because it kickstarts your postpartum recovery. I will bring this meal to your birth location. It’s warm, it’s spicy, its sweet and most important, its easy to digest. Cold foods and heavy foods like pizza, sushi and burgers are not going to support healing. Neither are packaged foods with preservatives.

I’ve curated a menu using the highest quality ingredients and nutrient dense foods starting from the first meal up to six weeks postpartum. I make enough food to last you until the next delivery. I deliver fresh meals in Central Oregon on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Imagine you and your partner not having to worry about anything when it comes to meal planning and getting the necessary nourishment you need postpartum because it’s all taken care of.

Six weeks of Ayurvedic meal delivery includes:

  • Prenatal consultation to discuss Ayurvedic principles on healing and preparing for postpartum

  • Planning and preparing breakfast, lunch, dinner and drinks.

  • Large batches of food to last till your next delivery

  • A daily routine to support digestion.

  • Cost includes the highest quality ingredients available

$3,000 (That’s less than $25/meal)

* If you would like to modify this plan to fit your dietary or budget needs we can work together and make adjustments accordingly.

Want to gift a New Mama in Central Oregon with a week of meals delivered to her?

What a sweet gesture! Better than any baby shower gift I’ve ever heard of. This package includes:

  • First meal delivered to hospital (or recipe guide for the first meal)

  • One full week of Ayurveda inspired meals, snacks and teas delivered right to mamas door

  • Eating guide for better digestion


Sample Menu:

First Meal After Birth (Day1-3)

  • Strong Fenugreek Tea

  • Garlic Chutney

  • Rice Congee

  • Stewed Fruit

Sample Meal (Days 4-5)

  • Lactation Tea

  • Spiced Oatmeal

  • Stewed Fruit

  • Mothers Milk

  • Savory Congee

  • Roasted Vegetables

  • Healing Mung Soup

Sample Meal (Days 6-7)

  • Iron Smoothie

  • Mothers Chai

  • Cream of Rice

  • Tapioca Pudding

  • Butternut Squash Soup

  • Postpartum Rice

  • Quinoa Soup

  • Carmel Halva + Cardamom Whipped Cream