Get This Fully Curated Meal Plan For Healing Postpartum in 42 Days

You just endured pregnancy, grew a baby and gave birth. You deserve to be nourished and cared for.

**you CAN’T get this time back with your baby.

There is no postpartum redo.


This fully curated meal plan has helped hundreds of women with postpartum recovery and eased the burden and stress of having to think “What am I going to make to eat”

What people are saying…

  • “Thank you for the healthy meals and for your love and support of our family during this special season”

    The Lutz Family, Pure Light Family Chiropractic

  • “Thank you so very much for your support and nourishing food. I felt cared for at such a vulnerable time. You have a true gift of giving women what they need both nutrient-wise and spiritually. I am immeasureably grateful.”

    Clair, Postpartum Client

  • It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.

    Quote Source

Hey Mama,

You deserve to be fully nourished and well supported so you can heal and bond with your baby.

Did you know,

  • after birth we are vulnerable to imbalances that can show up as anxiety, dryness, gas, constipation, bloating, interrupted sleep and depression.

  • imbalances can be mitigated or eliminated altogether with warmth, rest and nourishment.

  • a mother’s diet influences her quality of health-body and mind.

  • the establishment of breastfeeding and milk supply take priority over weight-loss.

  • the quality of your postpartum experience will be with you for the rest of your life.

Inspired by Ayurveda

What’s Included:

** you CAN’T afford to be undernourished and over stressed

  • Hi, I’m Ashley Conger. A free birth, solo mom to four amazing children (two under two). For the last 10 years I’ve helped hundreds of woman as a doula, prenatal yoga teacher and Ayurvedic counselor.

  • In my years working as a postpartum doula, I noticed a pattern. People would show up the first couple weeks, eager to see Mom and baby, then they would be totally gone. Moms were left with little to no support, fending for themselves. I wanted to create a way to guide others to really show up and support mothers during those first six weeks in a very easy, tangible way. To feed her nourishing meals with love.

  • Yes. I have designed it to be very easy to delegate. Broken down into 17 meals to delegate that will last the entire 42 days.

  • There are over 70 vegetarian recipes that include breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. They are nutrient dense and curated to increase in complexity as the digestive fire rekindles after child brith.

  • The body uses a lot of energy to give birth to your baby. Hormones are flowing and the brain is communicating with the reproductive system. The digestive system is not a priority at this time so it slows way down. Like when you leave a camp fire alone, eventually it dies down. You wouldn’t just throw a huge log on to restart it. You would slowly build it back up again. Same goes for our digestive fire (agni ). You don’t want to eat heavy foods like pizza, burgers or casserole. Instead, slowly rebuild your agni with warm, easy to digest foods that are also nutrient dense to support milk supply, rebuild blood thats been lost and nourish your body as it heals.

  • Yes. With the exception of vegan diets. The entire meal plan is vegetarian and any recipes that contain flour (there are very few) can be replaced with gluten free flour and any recipes that contain egg can be replaced with a flax egg. The reason the meal plan is not vegan is because in Ayurveda, ghee and milk are highly medicinal, nourishing foods. Especially for breastfeeding mothers, based on the principle like increases like. Always choose organic, non-homogenized milk. For myself, I use raw milk I get from a local heard share. You may be able to find one in your area but if not, go for the cream top milk that usually comes in glass bottles. If you are lactose intolerant, use an alternative milk that doesn’t have a bunch of added ingredients or make your own. It’s easy (and cheaper) to make your own almond or oat milk with a high speed blender and nut milk bag. Ghee has extremly low levels of lactose and is typically safe for those who typically can’t have it.

** you CAN’T have a postpartum redo

“I will apply dietetic and lifestyle measures to help the sick to my best ability and judgment; I will protect them from harm and injustice.”

— Hippocratic Oath


Don’t get stranded at a hospital eating shit food because the first meal postpartum is the most important meal. It kickstarts your healing and recovery. Plan and prepare for your first meal postpartum with this FREE download.